‘Trauma’ to ‘energetic course correction’

One of my beautiful clients this week had many challenges in her life which she (rightfully so!) expressed using the word “trauma”. When she used the word ‘trauma’, I noticed that her physical body changed, her breathing changed, her face became flushed and that my hallucination was that she was having physical symptoms related to stored memories and emotions hidden under the word ‘trauma’.

I asked her if there was a circumstance in the past that she had labelled “traumatic”, but now, as time had passed, she could see that because of that challenge, she learned something about herself, grew internally stronger or that her life had changed to a more positive course due to that situation occurring. She said ‘yes’.

So I asked her to connect to a word to use instead of ‘trauma’ that would be more empowering to speak when discussing these moments in her life that would not trigger the physical habitual ‘negative’ response associated with the word ‘trauma’.

Her word choice is now ‘energetic course correction’

This is her word choice, and when she said that instead of ‘trauma’, her face lit up, she smiled, she saw that everything that happens to us has a purpose, even if at the time it seems ‘traumatic’, we can change that program inside us by choosing more empowering words!

***Other commonly spoken words that your can replace with ‘trauma’ are ‘worry’, ‘anxiety’, depressed’, ‘stressed’…. And the list goes on.

Listen to yourself speak (including your internal word choices inside your mind) and find the common words….

Are they empowering?

Are they showing love and compassion to yourself?

Are they judgemental of yourself and others?

How could your life change if you removed a few un-loving words from your vocabulary and added in a few more compassionate, empowering words?

Abundant blessings, Sheryl


Sheryl’s story