Mercury Retrograde, AGAIN??

Mercury Retrograde, AGAIN…???

I have always found it interesting that there is a collective *Uggghhhh!* about Mercury retrograde.

Mercury retrograde (a 3 week ‘slowdown of this speedy little planet as it travels through our sky) occurs about 4 times per year.

Mercury is the planet that governs communication, both verbally and digitally, and we can often experience glitches in communication as it comes into a retrograde period. You may have heard things like “Don’t sign that contract during mercury retrograde!” as perhaps the possibility for difficulties in communication may happen during this time.

However, I love the lessons that the slowing down of this planet through our Astrology chart can offer us. My mantra is ‘As above, so below. As within, so without.” If mercury being in retrograde triggers challenges for you (without), then potentially there are opportunities to observe (within) which may offer insights on how to transform these challenges.

For me, anything that triggers us, Mercury Retrograde or not, is an opportunity for us to learn about ourself. When we are triggered by something or someone, we can initially recoil, react or look for a reason outside ourselves that we can blame about how we are feeling.

That triggered me…

They triggered me…

However, if we can instead observe our reaction with curiosity instead of judgement or blame, we may be able to shed light on what occurred within US to initiate this response.

What part of that situation, person, or moment is hitting an edge inside of me which is making me feel an emotion? Be curious….

Because then we can actually take the responsibility into us- what part of me is being triggered, not why are YOU triggering me? And if we can see what part of us is being triggered, observe it, hear it, acknowledge it and then sit in stillness with that part, then we are on the path to transform that part of us into a space of growth and unconditional love.

Then we may understand why it triggered us in the first place. Then we can CHOOSE how to respond in a similar situation next time.

So now is a beautiful time to do this work within ourselves, with all the stars and planets aligning to look deep within us (Full moon in Pisces= spiritual development, meditation/stillness)

So, if you have read this far, I encourage you to sit in silence with yourself this week.

I encourage you to lovingly observe the triggers, your reactions and internal conversations about why they triggered you in the first place.

Because if we don’t first see, we can’t acknowledge and then transform our challenges and ourselves.

Abundant Blessings, Sheryl


Sheryl’s story